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~ University of Pittsburgh ~

The University of Pittsburgh does not have a "feature twirler" position, but they are very proud of the all of the talented girls on the squad. The Golden Girls perform at all Panther football games and other university civic events.
In the spring, the Golden Girls compete in the NBTA circuit. In 1997 and 1998, the competition squad captured the Grand National World College Half time Twirl Team Championship at Notre Dame at the 32nd and 33rd AYOP World Open Championships.

It is suggested that canidates submit a videotape of a performance of their choice prior to auditions. Try-outs are held in a two-audition format. The first audition is primarily for new canidates. It allows interested individuals to get a feel for the Golden Girls style and performance level. For the second audition, canidates must perform a one (1) to two (2) minutes routine to their choice of music. This routine should demonstrate the individuals talent in twirling and dance. Following the individual routines, another short dance and twirling routine will be taught. The students are evaluated on skill, style, performance proficiency, and appearance.

The Golden Girls perform a combination of both twirling and dancing. There is about a 50/50 split between the dancing and twirling. Individuals should be well rounding in both areas.

For more information you can contact:

Mike Baldauf
755 Maytide Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15227

(412) 999-3960


You could also contact the band office at (412) 648-8250.

For more information visit the University of Pittsburgh Band Page
© 2000-03