~ Jon Spradley ~
Name: Jon Spradley
School: Plaquemine High
School Year: Junior (2005)
Location: LA
Years Twirling: Two going on Three

Equipment Used:
baton and some fire

Best Twirling Memory:
When we went on the field to preform and we start with fire everybody was so surprise at what we were doing.

Most Embarrassing Moment:
When I went on field and it was time for us to do our spilts and my boot got stuck and i couldn't go down and everbody was laughing!!

Favorite Twirling Activity:
My favorite thing about twirling is that you are doing something differnt and its really cool,because you could do so much with one are even two baton and make people cheer you on.

Future Plans:
My future plan are to go to a college that have majorette and become a part of them and also study to be chemical engineer.

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