~ Rasheem McMillan ~
Name: Rasheem McMillan
School: Hampshire College/University of Mass.
School Year: College Freshmen
Location: Amherst, Mass
Years Twirling: Two

Equipment Used:
one baton, two baton, flag, baton flag, streamers, fire batons, hoops, double flag batons

Best Twirling Memory:
The first time I step on the field and the priciple got on the intercom and said introducing Nrview high school marching band  and the first male feature twirler the twirling beast from the east Rasheem mcmillan

Most Embarrassing Moment:
When noriview went against hampton high and hampton  male feature twirler was there and i did a toss illusion and fell

Favorite Twirling Activity:
the field because at competition i feel like i am being pick on. I love the field for it's show and the gym floor for my Flo(tech)

Future Plans:
to dance in a company and start my own school

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