~ Lavoya ~
Name: Lavoya Freeman
School: Hertford County High School
School Year: 10
Location: Ahoskie, North Carolina
Years Twirling: 3

Equipment Used:
1 baton, 2 batons, fire baton, hoops, rings, flag baton, puff baton, glow stick

Best Twirling Memory:
When Hertford county played Bertie we are rivals and the bands battled. Their majorettes were against us so we all of a sudden came from no where twirling fire batons and we created a triangle since only three can twirl fire at a time and we twirled so good they just walked away.

Most Embarrassing Moment:
I was twirling in a parade and we tossed and did body wrap and my baton flew all the way to the back where the flags were.

Favorite Twirling Activity:
parades because I like to entertain and march so I think parades is my favorite.

Future Plans:
to go to college and do majorette and during the summer i'm going to give classes for free.

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