~ Rachel Jordan ~
Name: Rachel Jordan
School: Kennett High School
School Year: 2007
Location: Kennett Missouri
Years Twirling: 8

Equipment Used:
one baton, two batons, three batons, two fire batons, two knives, one double fire knife, swing flag

Best Twirling Memory:
my best twirling memory is when it was my first VARSITY half time performance on the football field in front of hundreds of people!!! with No drops

Most Embarrassing Moment:
My most emarassing moment is when we were marching out on the field and i tripped over the band stand...but i caught my self and kept going

Favorite Twirling Activity:
fire batons because it is more challenging and it looks very hard!!!!

Future Plans:
go to college become a childs psychologists and twirl at a university

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