Try Again

~ Cassandra Hewett ~
Cassandra Hewett

Name: Cassandra Hewett
School: Central Union High School
School Year: HS Senior
Location: El Centro,Ca
Years Twirling: Nine

Equipment Used:
Fire baton, two fire batons, knife, two knives, baton, two baton, flag baton, double flag baton

Best Twirling Memory:
My best twirling memory was when I was a freshman and it was my first football game I was going to perform at. We were doing fire and there were four girls on the squad including me. It was a Halloween show and we did fire to it and I had never performed with fire in my life, and that night, me AND the whole squad had a flawless routine.

Most Embarrassing Moment:
My most embarassing moment would have to be when I was performing at a fair and I did a two spin and I fell right on my butt in front of everyone. And also when the football field was wet two years ago and it was muddy and I had to practice in it and I slipped and fell down in front of the entire band.

Cassandra (center) with her squad

Favorite Twirling Activity:
My favorite twirling activity would have to be twirling two baton fire and doing high toss cartwheel's with them.

Future Plans:
I plan on going to college as soon as I graduate next year and go to SDSU or USC and try to make their squads.

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